Heuristic Evaluation #2
1 Introduction
The application prototype that will be evaluated is named UVicSchedule.
This application will allow the user to search for courses offered by UVic and officially register
in them. It also allows the user to view their current, past, and upcoming schedules. Other users
may be searched and then a request may be sent to view that users’ schedule. If accepted, the
other user will be able to compare schedules.
2 Method
- Visibility of System Status:
The system should keep the user informed about what is
currently happening through appropriate feedback.
- System Match with Real World:
The terms and metaphors should be understandable and
familiar to the user.
- User Control and Freedom:
The system should be easy to navigate through. It should
provide exits from scenarios.
- Consistency and Standards:
The system should follow platform conventions and the
design should be the same throughout the application.
- Error Recovery:
If an error occurs, the system should assist the user in correcting it.
- Error Prevention:
The system design should prevent the user from causing errors.
- Recognition Instead of Recall:
The application should be used intuitively without the user
memorizing how to perform tasks.
- Aesthetic and Minimalist Design:
The screens should be aesthetically pleasing and
Severity Scale:
0. I don’t agree that this is a usability problem at all.
1. Cosmetic problem only. Only fix if there is extra time available.
2. Minor usability problem. Should be given low priority.
3. Major usability problem. Should be given high priority.
4. Usability catastrophe. Must be fixed before product can be released.
3 Findings
[H-3 User Control] [ Severity 3]
There is no way to register a user account for this application.
Unless this application is fully integrated into the database, users will not be able
register and log in, making this application impossible to use.
I realize that in order to register for the courses you have to already have a UVic
My Page account, but there should be some way to link the application with the
database. Creating a register page that is accessible from the log in screen will
solve this issue.
[H-3 User Control] [ Severity 2]
There is very little indication that the courses displayed on the main screen open
up an information screen when clicked.
The user will eventually figure this out, however it is a slight inconvenience and
should be fixed because some users might not realize.
To fix this issue, somehow make the courses stand out slightly. You can perhaps
outline them in a different colour or make the name of the course bold and a
different colour.
[H-3 User Freedom] [Severity 2]
Once another user’s request to view your schedule, there is no way to not allow
him to view it anymore.
This could be safety issue if someone that the user does not feel safe around
anymore knows their schedule and where they will be at certain times. Should be
fixed but not imperative.
Renaming the link Add/Remove Contact and then providing the user with the
option to remove users they have already selected would solve this issue.
[H-8 Aesthetic Design] [Severity 1]
Under the schedules screen, you can select other user’s schedules to be displayed
but you cannot unselect your own.
The screen could become too cluttered if their schedule is different than yours and
the names or times of classes overlap. This is a cosmetic issue only.
The user should be able to deselect their own schedule so that they are only
viewing other users.
[H-4 Consistency] [Severity 2]
You cannot view class information from the schedules or the courses screen when
the course is clicked on, but you are able to view it from the main screen.
This will confuse users when they attempt to view course information from the
Schedule screen like they would from the main screen. It is a minor issue but
should be fixed.
Allowing users to view course information from the schedule screen when the
course is clicked on.
[H-3 User Control] [Severity 3]
There is only one way to return to the main screen that displays the schedule and
allows users to view the course information if they click on one of the courses and
it is not obvious that it does this.
This issue should be given high priority because the main screen is currently the
only screen that allows the user to view course information.
Placing a button on the top bar near the Logout button labelled Main or Home
will allow the user to navigate back.
[H-4 Consistency] [Severity 3]
There is no way to drop a course when the user is in the courses screen but the
user can add courses from this screen.
Currently there is only one screen that the user can drop classes from and once
they navigate away from that screen it is very difficult to return to it, which makes
this issue high priority.
Being able to drop courses from the courses screen would solve this.
[H-1 Visibility of System Status] [Severity 1]
The current waitlist size is not indicated on the page
This issue is cosmetic and only slightly inconvenient to the user
Displaying the amount of people on the waitlist would solve this issue.
4 Summary
Overall, the design of the application is very aesthetically pleasing, and the displaying of the
other users courses as coloured overlaps was a very nice touch. Searching for courses is a simple
process and by comparing the current schedule with potential classes to see if there are any
conflicts makes selecting classes much simpler.
However, small flaws in the navigation as well as inconsistency in the application will make it
very hard for users who do not have experience with this application. Navigating back to the
main screen is almost impossibly unless the user knows that they must select the unlabelled
button in the top right corner, and then select the Google Calendar button, then click cancel, and
then click on the background screen. Because certain tasks, such as viewing course information
and dropping a course, are only available on the main screen, it makes the issue of navigation
much worse.
Being able to delete contacts so that they are not able to view your schedule is important as well.
It will prevent users from essentially being able to stalk other users if they are so inclined.
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