Heuristic Evaluation #3

1. Introduction

UVicSchedule is an application to manage the user’s class schedule in a simple and easy way. It’s easier to use than the existing methods and allow the users to compare their schedules with their friend’s schedules.

2. Method

2.1 Heuristics

The software prototype for UVicSchedule was evaluated using Nielsen’s heuristics, that are listed below:

   H1: Visibility of system status

   H2: Match between system and real world

   H3: User control and freedom

   H4: Consistency and standards

   H5: Help users recognize, diagnose, recover from errors

   H6: Error prevention

   H7: Recognition rather than recall

   H8: Flexibility and efficiency of use

   H9: Aesthetic and minimalist design

   H10: Help and documentation

2.2 Severity

The severity of the violation was given according to Nielsen’s scale, that is defined as:

1 = I don’t agree that this is a usability problem at all
2 = Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project
3 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority
4 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority
5 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be released

3. Findings

3.1. [H6 Error prevention][Severity 5]

3.2. [H6 Error prevention][Severity 1]

3.3. [H7 Recognition rather than recall][Severity 3]

3.4. [H4 Consistency and standards][Severity 4]

3.5. [H4 Consistency and standards][Severity 4]

3.6. [H9 Aesthetic and minimalist design][Severity 3]

3.7. [H3 User control and freedom][Severity 5]

3.8. . [H8 Flexibility and efficiency of use][Severity 2]

3.9. [H3 User control and freedom][Severity 5]

Summary of findings

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