This project is a software prototype for a mobile course scheduling application. Features of the prototype include course timetable creation and sharing course timetables with friends.
This project was created for a course in Human Computer Interaction in a team of three students. The project involved iterative prototyping on paper and in software, and gathering feedback from user testing and heuristic evaluations.
The interactive software prototype was created in the InVision prototyping application and can be viewed here.
The following screenshots are from the software prototype.
A conceptual model was created to map out the hypothetical functionality of the UVicSchedule application. Each team member individually created a paper prototype based on the conceptual model. The best features of each paper prototype was then merged into a single paper prototype.
Each team member performed a cognitive walkthrough on the paper prototype in order to find and correct flaws in the current design. The software prototype was then created in the InVision prototyping application.
The software prototype was handed over to three other students to evaluate the usability of the application. The evaluation was based upon Jakob Nielsen's Usability Heuristics.
An experiment was created and conducted on the target audient in order to test the usability of the application and to gather feedback on how to improve the layout and design.